
Andrew Welch
Full Theatre CV
Consulting Services
'Business' 8x10    ANDREW P. WELCH

Actor, Improvisor, Designer, Director

Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Green

57 Mary Street
Alton, Ontario
L7K 0E3

(416) 907-2076    (519) 940-3439

(former ACTRA apprentice)

Internet Movie DataBase listing

bullet Film / Television
bullet Radio / Voice-Over
bullet Musicals
bullet Comedy
bullet Drama
bullet Specialties and General Background
bullet Directing / Design Credits
bullet Training
PLAYING THE GAME (web TV series) Jeremy’s father (episodes 2, 3, 15) Greek Chorus Productions, 2007
AE4HG Human (principal) Greek Chorus Productions, 2005
MOST GUYS TODAY Nigel LaBellete (principal)  Greek Chorus Productions, 2005
LIBERTY STREET: CYCLE ONE Pencil Neck (principal) Epitome Pictures/Paul Lynch, 1994
X-RATED: THE MOVIE Pencil Neck (principal) Playing with Time/Kit Hood, 1993
DIVORCE COURT (Webb vs Webb) Nathan Webb (principal) Divorce '92 Productions, 1992
CITY SAFARI Chris (principal) Fleischman/Livingstone, 1992
CHRISTMAS CHARITY TELETHONS Anchor Rogers and McLean-Hunter Cable, 1987-91

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Various proclamations and appearances Official Town Crier Town of Caledon, 2011
EXPECT RESPECT Ensemble Actor Theatre Orangeville, 2011
BATMAN 69 (on-line fan film) Narrator Timothy Forbes, NY, 2011
EARTH DAY - PAYBACK (dramatic reading) Reader & Producer
Text by Margaret Atwood
Burlington, 2010
Bolton, 2010
Caledon, 2009
A CHRISTMAS CAROL (abridged) Solo Reader (in performance) Millcroft Inn, 2009
Erin Radio (with CBC), 2008
Haliburton Art Gallery, 2002
Hillcrest Inn, Wisconsin, 2000 & 2001
AURA: FATE OF THE AGES (computer game) Belik The Adventure Company, 2004
NIGHT LIFE (award-winning animated short) Dick Gumshoe (principal) Greek Chorus Productions, 2002
READINGS IN THE RAFTERS Reader Alumnae Theatre Company, 2001 & 2002
SCRIPT LAB Reader (public script workshops) Equity Showcase Theatre, 1990-1994
TORONTO - Stories from the Life of a City Documentary character voices Lynx Images/Barbara Chism, 1993
INSIDE OUTLANDIA (series) Wilhemina CKMS-FM, Waterloo, 1980

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AUDIO BOOKS (Solo Reader):
ALEX, WHO WON HIS WAR by Chester Aaron, 2004
GHOST BEACH by R. L. Stine CNIB, 1994
THE WAY OF A BOY, A MEMOIR OF JAVA by Ernest Hillen CNIB, 1993

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SWEET CHARITY Oscar (lead) Orangeville Music Theatre, 2010
WHERE'S CHARLEY Charley (lead) Yorkminstrels, 2001
FOOL'S LOVE (based on Twelfth Night) Sir Andrew Aguecheek (support) Workshop performance, 2000
THE GRAND DUKE Ludwig (G & S lead) St. Anne's Music & Drama Society, 1994
THESPIS Thespis (G & S lead) St. Pat's Players, 1993
SWING SHIFT Phone Booth Madrigals (writer/performer) CAMTA, 1992
BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS Melvin P. Thorpe (lead) Yorkminstrels, 1991
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS Bag Lady/Mrs.Luce/Patrick M. (support) Scarborough Music Theatre, 1991
ANNIE GET YOUR GUN Charlie Davenport (lead) Etobicoke Musical Productions, 1990
PUSS IN BOOTS King (lead) Limelight Dinner Theatre, 1989
SUGAR Jerry/Daphne (lead) Etobicoke Musical Productions, 1988
SHOWBOAT Frank Schultz (lead) Etobicoke Musical Productions, 1988
THE MUSIC MAN Marcellus Washburn (support) SummerStage Company, Belleville, 1987
GODSPELL Herb (ensemble piece) Calvary Players, 1983-84

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DON'T DRESS FOR DINNER Bernard (lead) Caledon Town Hall Players, 2007
LEND ME A TENOR Max (Thea Award Nomination - Best Actor) Caledon Town Hall Players, 2005
THEATRESPORTS Performer - main cast Bad Dog Theatre, 2003-04
I HATE HAMLET John Barrymore (lead) East Side Players, 2002
MURDER IN PARADISE Regis Philman Mysteriously Yours, 2002
MYSTERY OF THE MALTESE BLUE JAY Theo Fettman Mysteriously Yours, 1998-2001
MURDER ON THE LIMELIGHT EXPRESS Norman Sockett Mysteriously Yours, 1999-2000
THE Y2K FILES MYSTERY Willy Gates Mysteriously Yours, 1999
TANGLED WEB MYSTERY Sherlock Holmes (and others) Mysteriously Yours, 1996-99
MURDER ON SUNSET BLVD. Sam Spade (detective) / Max Mysteriously Yours, 1995-96
MURDER ON THE HIGH 'C'S & others Dick Crazey (detective) The Guilty Party and P & M Prod., 1986-96
WHEN THE AUTUMN MOON'S BRIGHT Poe/Inspector Burgerfrye/Thing Artemis Theatre, 1994
THEATRESPORTS Actor/Organizer/Workshop Leader Toronto, Waterloo, Australia, etc. 1982-93
A HALTON HILLS CHRISTMAS CAROL Ghost of Xmas Past/Bruno/Teasal P & M Productions, 1992
BULLSHOT CRUMMOND Fenton/Algy/Waiter/Schmidt/Marovich Village Playhouse, 1992
THE SCREAM PLAY Spam Sade (support) FASS Theatre Company, 1986
LAFFTIME '92 Comedy Cabaret Performer P & M Productions, 1992
BABEL RAP The Smoker (lead) Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre,1985
IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNEST Ernest Worthing (lead) Elora Community Theatre, 1985
THERE GOES THE BRIDE Gerald Drummond (support) Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre, 1985
TOAD OF TOAD HALL Toad (lead) Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre, 1984
OH DAD, POOR DAD... Jonathan (lead) University of Waterloo, 1983
FASS OR FICTION Mr. Spock (lead) FASS Theatre Company, 1983
ALICE IN WONDERLOO Marvin Gardens (support) FASS Theatre Company, 1982
FASSIFIED INFORMATION Reggie Sterdnurse (support) FASS Theatre Company, 1981
ARSENIC AND OLD LACE Dr. Einstein (support) Halifax Grammer School, 1980

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TEN LOST YEARS Various roles (ensemble piece) Alumnae Theatre, 2001
THE REMORSE OF JUDAS Pontius Pilate (lead) P.L.S. York Cycle, 1998
THE ELEPHANT MAN John Merrick (lead) Village Playhouse, 1992
COUNT DRACULA Count Dracula (lead) Scarborough Players, 1991
MURDER AT THE VICARAGE Lawrence Redding (lead) Scarborough Players, 1990
LA BOHEME Gendarme (supernumerary) Canadian Opera Company, 1989
MURDER WITH LOVE Roy Campbell (support) Scarborough Theatre Guild, 1987
CRIMES OF THE HEART Barnette Lloyd (support) East Side Players, 1986
NIGHT MUST FALL Hubert Laurie (support) Guelph Little Theatre, 1985
THE FAME OF SIMON GIRTY Five character roles (support) University of Waterloo, 1982
HAT TRICK Egan MacIntyre (support) Sumwat Theatre Company, 1981

Commercial and Radio Drama voice tape available.

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Specialties & General Background

· Singing voice: Baritone; violin and viola.    · Write, produce, and perform Murder Mysteries.

· Licensed to possess and handle Stage firearms.  Stage fencing experience.

· Mountain climber; proficient in most sports.    · Rappelling, rope rescue, Wilderness First Aid.

· Extensive stage management experience.    · Excellent ear for accents, esp. British and character voices.

· Employed as a theatre technician for five years.    · Managed a medical software company for three years.

· Drive my own car (standard shift).    · Familiar with all manner of office and shop equipment.

· Extensive design and directing portfolio (see below).    · Improv group finalist in CKCO-TV comic showcase.

· Conduct improvisation workshops (high schools, Theatre Ontario Summer Courses, corporate clients).

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Directing / Design Credits
THE OUTLAW ROBIN HOOD Director Theatre Orangeville Young Company, 2011
TREASURE ISLAND Director/Lyrics/Set Concept Theatre Orangeville Young Company, 2010
SQUABBLES Lighting Design Caledon Town Hall Players, 2009
WILLY WONKA JR. Set Design (Centre 2000, Erin) Alton Public School, 2009
WHEN THE REAPER CALLS Lighting Design (Thea Award Nomination) Caledon Town Hall Players, 2009
SYLVIA Lighting Design Caledon Town Hall Players, 2007
THE PERFECT MANHATTAN Lighting Design/Play Polisher Caledon Town Hall Players, 2007
AE4HG Production Design Consultant Greek Chorus Productions, 2005
LETTICE AND LOVAGE Set Design Alumnae Theatre, 2003
THE UNINVITED GUEST Lighting Design (Tarragon Extra Space) Down the Aisle Productions, 2001
CANADIAN NEW MEDIA AWARDS Lighting Design (Glenn Gould Studio, CBC) Delvinia, 2001
THE SNOW QUEEN Lighting Design on Tour (Europe) Can. Children's Opera Chorus, 2001
ALONE TOGETHER Set Design Village Playhouse, 2000
THE STAR CHILD Technical Director (du Maurier Theatre) Can. Children's Opera Chorus, 2000
TWO SHIPS PASSING Set Consultant Shows to Go, Theatre-on-the-Grand, 1999
A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED Set Design Village Playhouse, 1999
THE FLOWER HORSE Stage Manager Leah Posluns Theatre, 1998
THE REMORSE OF JUDAS Set Design P.L.S. York Cycle, 1998
PIRATES OF PENZANCE Production Design Victorian Operetta Society (Cobourg), 1994
ANTIGONE Set and Lighting Design Alchemist Theatre, 1994
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF Technical Director and Lighting Design John Diefenbaker High School, 1994
TANGLE OF DOUBT Set Design and Construction (Annex Th.) Screaming Despot Prods., 1994
MARKET TO MARKET Set Design and Construction (School Tour) Discovery Players, 1993
THESPIS Set Design St. Pat's Players, 1993
BOX AND COX Set Design St.Pat's Players, 1993
THE GIPSY PRINCESS Set and Lighting Design Scugog Choral Society, 1992
THE MIKADO Set Design (Scarb. Vill. Th.) Scarborough Music Theatre, 1992
OKLAHOMA! Set and Lighting Design John Diefenbaker High School, 1992
THE DESPERATE HOURS Set and Lighting Design (Scarb. Vill. Th.) Scarborough Players, 1991
ALBERTINE IN FIVE TIMES Set Design (Oakville Centre) The Oakville Players, 1991
EIGHT TO THE BAR Set Design (Victoria Hall) Lakeshore Summer Festival, 1991
CALIFORNIA SUITE Director East Side Players, 1991
SILENT WITNESS Set and Lighting Design (Markham Theatre) Unionville Community Theatre, 1991
I'LL BE BACK BEFORE MIDNIGHT Sound Design East Side Players, 1990
COLUMBINE AND HARLEQUIN Set and Lighting Design (Y.P.T.) Can. Children's Opera Chorus, 1990
FORTY CARATS Set Design (Scarborough Village Theatre) Scarborough Players, 1990
THE GOLDEN VANITY Set and Lighting Design (Markham Theatre) Can. Children's Opera Chorus, 1990
ANNIE GET YOUR GUN Set Design Etobicoke Musical Productions, 1990
LITTLE FOXES Set Design (Thea Award Nomination) East Side Players, 1990
JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR Production Design & SM (Oakville Centre) Burlington Light Opera Society,1989
SHADOW BOX Set Design East Side Players, 1989
SUGAR Set Design Etobicoke Musical Productions, 1988
GREASE Lighting Design John Diefenbaker High School, 1988
AND A NIGHTINGALE SANG Sound Design East Side Players, 1987
GODSPELL Stage Manager Playhouse 82, 1986
BABEL RAP Set Design Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre, 1985
I'LL BE BACK BEFORE MIDNIGHT Special Effects and Lighting Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre, 1985
SKIN DEEP Director/Production Designer Calvary Players, 1985
TOAD OF TOAD HALL Set Design (U. of Waterloo Theatre of the Arts) Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre, 1984
WAITING FOR THE PARADE Producer Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre, 1984
NO SEX, PLEASE - WE'RE BRITISH Director Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre, 1984
THE FASSIST MANIFESTO Director/Writer FASS Theatre Company, 1984
THE MUMBERLEY INHERITANCE Stage Manager Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre, 1983
FOR ART'S SAKE Director Waterfall Theatre Company, 1983

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VOICE-OVER Debra Toffan, Keith Knight
SCENE STUDY Alec Stockwell, Jeanette Lambermont, Valerie Robertson, Theresa Sears, David Switzer
CAMERA Theresa Sears
IMPROV Ian Chaprin, Rob Nickerson, Tabetha Wells, Doug Buller
CLOWN & MASK Jim Warren
MOVEMENT Audrey Jolly, Pam Patterson
AUDITION TECHNIQUE Theresa Sears, David Switzer, Gloria Mann
VOICE David Smukler, Michael Connolly, Anita Noel-Antscherl
COMBAT Mark Ingram, Naomi Hunter
TECHNICAL THEATRE University of Waterloo
T.V. PROD. & DIR. Rogers Cable, Nova Scotia Institute of Technology (Paul Bayliss, CBC)

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