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Andrew Welch
Full Theatre CV
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Upcoming Appearances and Speaking Engagements

"Andrew Welch is one of the best teachers around.  He is clear, articulate,
and very easy to understand."
- J. Smith, Western Design Howden
"Most valuable session at the conference.  This should be a prerequisite
for the entire conference."
- Attendee, Summit for Improv in Business 2003

Andrew Welch is a creative, intelligent individual with an ability to draw upon a wealth of knowledge from many diverse subject areas.  However he is best known for his talent to communicate ideas to a wide audience in an effective and engaging manner.  Perhaps that is why he has so many return engagements wherever he presents.

bullet Official Town Crier of Caledon and Erin, ON as of 2011 - Various Proclamations
bullet Opening of "This Changes Everything" Exhibit, Caledon, ON - 2015 - The OTHER Connection Between Art and Climate Change

Recent Appearances and Speaking Engagements

The list below represents just a few of the conferences (year and topic) where Andrew has presented to rave reviews:

bullet Guelph Resilience Festival, Guelph, ON - 2015 - The Value Crisis
bullet Alton Mill Arts Centre (Culture Café), Caledon, ON - 2015 - The Set Design Creative Process
bullet Green T Environmental Awareness, Caledon, ON - 2011 - The Value Crisis
bullet Canadian Federation of University Women, Orangeville, ON - 2009 - The Value Crisis
bullet Green T Environmental Awareness, Caledon, ON - 2009 - Residential Wind Power
bullet Erin Radio 101.5, Erin, ON - 2009 - The Value Crisis
bullet British Columbia Human Resources Management Conference, Vancouver, BC - 2008 - Polarity Management
bullet Applied Improvisation Network, Banff, AB - 2007 - The Role of Risk in Peak Experiences
bullet National Challenge Course Practitioners Symposium, Boulder, CO - 2007 - Polarity Management & Other Leadership Models
bullet Canadian Experiential Education Practitioners Symposium, Haliburton, ON - 2006 (East) - The Cynefin Framework
bullet Applied Improvisation Network, San Francisco, CA - 2006 - Bringing Leadership Models to Life
(Referenced in some detail in this blog by Portigal Consulting)
bullet Canadian Experiential Education Practitioners Symposium, Haliburton, ON - 2006 (West) - Corporate Programming and Conflict Resolution
bullet Applied Improvisation Network, New York, NY - 2005 - Manifesting the Learning (Debrief Techniques)
bullet Canadian Experiential Education Practitioners Symposium, Haliburton, ON - 2005 - Using Virtual Space and Improv Tools
bullet Applied Improvisation Network, San Francisco, CA - 2004 - EE Facilitation applied to Improv Activities
bullet Legal Assistant Management Association, Montreal, QB - 2004 - Communication & Persuasion Skills (National Keynote)
bullet Canadian Experiential Education Practitioners Symposium, Haliburton, ON - 2004 - Communication Skills Explored Through Improv
bullet National Challenge Course Practitioners Symposium, Boulder, CO - 2004 - Theatre-Based Learning Activities
bullet Summit for Improvisation in Business, Toronto, ON - 2003 - Framing Improv as an Experiential Tool
(Read what the audience had to say about this presentation)
bullet National Challenge Course Practitioners Symposium, Boulder, CO - 2003 - Dramatic Situational Leadership
bullet Canadian Experiential Education Practitioners Symposium, Haliburton, ON - 2003 - Covey's Spheres of Influence
bullet National Challenge Course Practitioners Symposium, Boulder, CO - 2002 - Experiencing Change Cycles
bullet National Challenge Course Practitioners Symposium, Boulder, CO - 2001 - Improv as a Relevant Communication Tool
bullet National Challenge Course Practitioners Symposium, Boulder, CO - 2000 - Corporate experiential training
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Andrew Welch is Intellact.
Copyright © 2005-13 Andrew Welch